Mini Warriors
The App
How do I restore my Stamina?
There are four ways in which stamina is restored:
- Stamina regenerates as time passes. Every 5 min = 1 point.
- Stamina can be restored by using the charging Orb (which can be won as a daily login bonus. provides 120 energy)
- Stamina can be fulfilled immediately by using crystals. This can be done 3 times a day .
First costs 10 crystals, second 20 crystals and third 50 crystals
- Stamina restores some after your prestige levels up .The maximum Restore is 60 stamina. However stamina can never be more than 120. Leveling up when still having for instance 100, increases your stamina with 20. (instead of the often expected 160)
When does the game reset the played stages?
The played stages are reset each day at 00:00:00.
Daily Bonus
When is the daily bonus available?
The daily bonus is available each day and reset each day at 00:00:00.
Controlling the game
Why can’t I control armies in battles?
All battles are conducted automatically in Mini Warriors. however you can influence armies / battle outcomes by adjusting the set up
How do I earn 1, 2 and 3-star assessment?
Finish battles in 50 seconds to earn 3-star assessment.
Finish battles after 50 but in 100 seconds to earn 2-star assessment .
Finish battles after 100 but in 180 seconds to earn 1-star assessment.
Advantages in earning stars?
You will be able to claim rewards when stars you earned reach 12, 24 and 30, three times in total.
What can i see on my home screen?
Your home screen reveils a number of info:
How can I level-up prestige?
You can upgrade your prestige level by winning battle stages.
Why do I level-up prestige?
There are two reasons why leveling up your prestige is important:
- You will be able to recruit more Hero’s. The number of hero’s is limited to your prestige level. These levels:
Drop rates
Is there a difference between normal and elite stages in drop rates?
Drop rate is deternined by quality of the gear, not stages. There is no difference.
The amount of gold you have
The amount of crystals you have
The amount of energy you have
Gives news from triniti
Enables to see your quests
Enables to see you ranking
Enables to enter Barracks
Enables to enter Tavern
Enables to enter Rally
Enables to enter Academy
Enables to enter Blacksmith
Enables to enter Warehouse